Comprehensive Catalog of Outbound Deliveries in SAP

List Of Outbound Deliveries In Sap

Implementing a warehouse software may seem daunting at first, but with practice, it becomes easier to navigate. However, when initially using SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM), there are often queries about the outbound delivery process. This article aims to address common questions related to SAP EWM outbound deliveries.

SAP EWM provides strong capabilities for efficiently handling various tasks within your warehouse. As you navigate through the outbound delivery process, you will find that the system becomes more user-friendly over time.

What is the T code for delivery list in SAP?

1. Click on “List outbound deliveries” within the transaction.

2. A new selection screen will appear.

3. In the option “Total goods movement status,” enter “C” along with your other selection criteria.

4. After entering all relevant criteria, execute the selection.

5. The system will generate a list displaying all deliveries where PGI has been fully completed.

By following these steps and specifying the appropriate criteria, you can easily retrieve a comprehensive list of outbound deliveries with complete PGI status.

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List of Outbound Deliveries in SAP

Below are some frequently asked questions related to the outbound delivery process in SAP EWM.

What is an outbound delivery in SAP EWM?

An SAP EWM outbound delivery is a record that specifies the items to be sent to the recipient. The process begins by generating an outbound delivery order in SAP EWM, which includes all necessary details for picking, packing, and shipping the goods.

Accessing Outbound Deliveries in SAP

Here are the T-Codes that can be used in SAP for managing outbound deliveries.

– VA01: Generate sales order and record

– VL01N: Generate outbound delivery using a reference from the sales order

– VL02N: Modify the specifics of the outbound delivery

– VL03N: View information about the outbound delivery

– VL06O: Track and monitor outbound deliveries

SAP Outbound Delivery Processing: How does it work?

Once an outbound delivery order is generated, a series of actions need to be executed.

Verify the stock availability for the outbound request, specify the required quantity of goods, prepare and package the items for delivery, determine the weight and size of the order, select a transportation provider or carrier to handle the shipment, and update the status of the sales order.

How can I allocate outbound delivery to EWM?

When an outbound delivery is generated in SAP ERP, it is expected that the system will automatically send the request to SAP EWM. However, if there are any issues with the connectivity between your ECC-EWM systems, the outbound delivery request may get stuck in the queue between these two systems.

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SMQ1 allows you to verify the outgoing queue in the SAP ERP/ECC system, while SMQ2 enables you to examine the incoming queue in the SAP EWM system.

What are the outbound processes in SAP EWM?

SAP EWM provides automated assistance for handling goods movement and inventory management in your warehouse. These internal processes play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient execution of outbound deliveries. SAP EWM offers specific procedures to facilitate the smooth running of outbound delivery operations.

SAP EWM: Key Fields for Defining a Delivery Document

When an outbound delivery is generated, SAP ERP sends the request/document to SAP EWM for creating the delivery. This document includes all the necessary details required for executing the process. It encompasses various information essential for carrying out the delivery process effectively and efficiently.

The information required for outbound deliveries in SAP includes the material number, quantity of items to be delivered, specific location details, date for picking up the items, and the weights and volumes of each individual item.

Integrating Freight Functionality in SAP EWM: A Guide

SAP EWM might not offer all the necessary features for implementing a multi-carrier shipping strategy. However, there are external software solutions like ShipEWM that can be easily integrated with your SAP ERP or SAP EWM system to fulfill these requirements.

1. Compare rates from multiple carriers to find the best shipping option.

2. Automatically monitor and trace shipments for enhanced visibility.

3. Print labels for outbound deliveries efficiently.

4. Integrate mobile devices with RF technology for seamless operations.

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5. Establish real-time connections with carriers for immediate updates.

6. Generate shipping documents accurately and promptly.

If you’re interested in added freight functionality to your warehouse processes, sign up for a product demo of ShipERP’s extended warehouse management software.

Getting a list of shipments in SAP

On the SAP Easy Access menu, you can navigate to the desired option by following these steps: First, click on Logistics. Then, select Remote Logistics from the dropdown menu. Next, choose Shipping and proceed to General containers. Under this section, click on Environment and finally select List shipments for container.

P.S. This step-by-step guide will help you easily access the required functionality in SAP for managing outbound deliveries efficiently.

SAP Tcode for Outbound Delivery Report

In SAP, the following are the steps involved in outbound deliveries:

1. VA01: Create a sales order and document.

2. VL01N: Create an outbound delivery with a sales order reference.

3. VL02N: Change the details of the outbound delivery.

4. VL03N: Display information about the outbound delivery.

5. VL06O: Monitor outbound deliveries.

The meaning of VL06O in SAP

Another useful feature of VL06O is collective distribution. This enables users to distribute multiple deliveries simultaneously based on predefined criteria such as route or transportation zone. By grouping deliveries together, organizations can optimize their logistics operations and streamline the overall delivery process.

P.S: We hope this information helps you understand the capabilities of VL06O better!