Procedure Download the TCI: Search and open the relevant bootstrap SAP Note xxxxxxx based on the SAP_BASIS from SAP Support Portal Home .
– Define Queue:: In transaction SPAM, display the new support packages.
– Verify the SAP Note Status: Verify if the status of the SAP Note xxxxxxx is set to Completely Implemented.
- 1 Checking the Activation Status of TCI in SAP System
- 2 Reference
- 3 How to Verify if TCI is Activated in SAP System
- 4 How to Verify TCI Activation in SAP System
- 5 Step 2: Check If SNOTE is already enabled for Digitally Signed Notes?
- 6 Understanding TCI in SAP
- 7 Step 3: Verify TCI Activation in SAP System
- 8 How do I know if SAP note is implemented in system?
- 9 Step 4: Enabling SNOTE For TCI
- 10 How do I check my SAP note transport request?
- 11 How to Validate TCI Activation in SAP System
- 12 How can I download TCI in SAP?
- 13 Checking TCI Activation in SAP System: Step-by-Step Guide
- 14 Checking TCI Activation in SAP System: Steps for Verification
- 15 How to Determine if TCI is Enabled in SAP System
- 16 What is the definition of TCI?
- 17 What does TCI stand for in the IT sector?
- 18 Checking the system status in SAP
- 19 How to implement TCI note in SAP?
Checking the Activation Status of TCI in SAP System
SAP Note Assistant (transaction SNOTE) needs to be enabled to download digitally signed SAP notes before January 1st, 2020 as part of the SAP support backbone infrastructure changes. The recommended method to enable the SNOTE for digitally signed notes download is to implement the TCI note 2576306 ,for which you will need to enable the SNOTE for TCI first.
Check the SAP Calculator here if the TCI can be enabled for your release or not, else you need to implement the SAP notes 2408073,2546220 and 2508268 which involve manual corrections ( e.g for SAP_BASIS release 711, you cannot enable the TCI).
Please refer to the below SAP documents and the SAP notes for updated information and steps provided by SAP. The cheatsheet mentioned below contains one additional pre-requisite SAP note to implemented in systems as compared to guide attached to SAP note 2187425, hence open both guides side by side.
Cheatsheet : Cheatsheet for enabling SNOTE for digital signed notes and TCI
SAP Note 2187425 : Information about SAP Note Transport based Correction Instructions (TCI)
How to Verify if TCI is Activated in SAP System
1. Request the technical SUSER to be added in the SAP RFC destinations.
7. Make any required changes related to RFC connections for Support Backbone integration.
How to Verify TCI Activation in SAP System
Request a technical communication user by following SAP Note 2174416. The user will be created after 24 hours once your request it. Activate it once it is visible.
Step 2: Check If SNOTE is already enabled for Digitally Signed Notes?
Check here if your system is already enabled for downloading digitally signed notes.
If the answer is affirmative, proceed directly to step 6. If not, continue to step 3.
Understanding TCI in SAP
SAP Note transport-based correction instruction (TCI) is a new way to deliver ABAP correction instructions to customer in a flexible manner.
Step 3: Verify TCI Activation in SAP System
Verify if your SAP system has TCI enabled by referring to this section.
On the other hand, if the answer is yes, you can proceed to step 5 which involves enabling the TCI rollback feature if necessary.
If the answer is no, then you can continue with the next step in the process.
How do I know if SAP note is implemented in system?
Remember that different systems may have varying methods for accessing their status information. So be sure to consult relevant documentation or seek guidance from experienced colleagues who are familiar with navigating through such menus on Indian English versions of SAP systems.
Step 4: Enabling SNOTE For TCI
SAP Note Transport based Correction Instructions (TCI) is a new channel to ship ABAP corrections with SAP Notes.
You can find detailed information about TCI and its comparison with the automatic corrections and the support packages in the pdf attached in the below SAP note
SAP Note 2187425 : Information about SAP Note Transport based Correction Instructions (TCI)
If your SAP_BASIS SP level is lower than the patch mentioned in the Cheatsheet ( or guide attached to SAP Note 2187425 ) or the answer to the question “Is your system TCI note enabled?” is “No” in SAP Calculator , proceed with the below steps:
How to Determine TCI Activation in SAP System
By following these steps carefully and ensuring that all requirements are met, you can successfully check if TCI is enabled in your SAP system.
4.2 Implement pre-requisite SAP notes
mentioned in the guide, for example we implemented the below SAP notes for our system
Please ensure to carefully review these instructions for any necessary manual tasks. In our specific situation, only SAP is involved.
note 2569813 involved a manual step. Few of these notes will not be relevant
according to your Support pack level. Implement all these notes in the first transport
Implement these notes in the first TR and release it
4.3 Implement the bootstrap note
For enabling the Note assistant (SNOTE) to consume the TCI, implement the bootstrap SAP note relevant to your SAP_BASIS release as mentioned in the guide. The bootstrap note is implemented through SPAM and not through the SNOTE.
The bootstrap note can be captured in a TR starting from SPAM version 70 and above. Check the bootstrap note for your release in the SAP guide attached to SAP Note 2187425. For example, we implemented the bootstrap note 2444141 valid for release SAP_BASIS 701 as below:
To determine if TCI is enabled in your SAP system, you need to log in to client 000 of the desired system where you plan to install it.
4.3.3 To ensure TCI is enabled in the SAP system, follow these steps: Open transaction SPAM and select Support Package > Load Packages>SAR archives from Front End. Locate the folder where you have saved the SAR file (K70100DCPSAPBASIS.SAR) and upload it to the system.
4.3.4 Define the SPAM queue for TCI bootstrap file:In transaction SPAM, select “New Support Packages” and click on display button.
From the OCS Package Directory: New Packages view, select the respective bootstrap TCI SAP Note
To establish the TCI queue, simply click on the Calculate Queue button.
To determine if TCI is enabled in your SAP system, you can follow these steps:
Record the execution of the initial setup instructions in the subsequent transport request.
Release the second TR, Now your system’s Note Assistant is ready to consume the TCI notes. Proceed to the next step to enable the system for TCI note rollback.
How do I check my SAP note transport request?
You can do this with SE16 or you can use SE03 transaction (“Find objects in requests/tasks”). Another method is using program SCWN_NOTE_BROWSER. In the result list you can use “Goto >, Corrected objects” to find a transport request.
How to Validate TCI Activation in SAP System
Read the guide attached to SAP Note 2187425 for the rollback steps.
For SAP_BASIS release <731 , that is for releases 700, 701 and 702 there is no need to enable the rollback separately as it is already enabled with the pre-requisite notes and the bootstrap note that you had implemented earlier. Proceed to step 6. The following steps are applicable to SAP systems with a release of SAP_BASIS 731 or above.
5.1 Implement Pre-requisite Notes
You don’t need to implement the pre-requisite notes as mentioned in the guide as you would have already implemented these in the step 4.2.
How to Verify TCI Activation in SAP System: A Step-by-Step Guide
The screenshots provided are applicable to SAP_BASIS release 740, but they can be used as a reference for other releases too.
To verify if TCI is enabled in the SAP system, follow these steps:
1. Log in to client 000 and import the SAR file using SPAM.
Check 4.3. 3 on how to upload the TCI note file in SPAM
To verify if TCI is enabled in the SAP system, you can follow these steps:
If you get the below dump LOAD_PROGRAM_CLASS_MISMATCH or LOAD_PROGRAM_INTF_MISMATCH, implement the SAP note 2408383 again.
How can I download TCI in SAP?
After selecting the correct software component version, proceed by clicking on “Download.” This action will initiate the download process for those correction instructions related to your chosen software component version. Make sure to save this file in a location where it can be easily accessed later.
Checking TCI Activation in SAP System: Step-by-Step Guide
Please read the TCI note carefully before implementing it, as it may contain some pre-requisites or reports that may need to be run before implementation of the note (e.g check the required authorizations for your user ID and the recommended SAPCAR version)
How to Confirm TCI Activation in SAP System
Follow the instructions provided in SAP Note 2187425 > attached PDF > section 1.4.1 which currently reads:
Check 4.3.1 on how to download corrections for TCI note.
To determine if TCI is enabled in your SAP system, follow these steps:
1. Access the Config client and log in.
6.2 Manual corrections for digitally signed Note:
Read the TCI note 2576306 carefully for any manual corrections. e.g current note states below:
The TCI package associated with this SAP Note contains messages only in their master language (German). To maintain the messages in other language translations please refer to the manual instruction of SAP Note 2508268 (Please look for required message numbers and their respective texts under manual instruction number 12).
Due to the missing translations in required logon language, pop-ups during note download may appear with no message text in it (instead message class name and number is seen). This can be resolved by maintaining translations in the required logon language.
Please check your SAP_BASIS release and SP for manual corrections validity in SAP Note 2508268 and perform them as mentioned in point 12 of this note to maintain the messages (810-830) in your system logon language for message class SCWN e.g below
Save this in the same transport request as mentioned in step 6.2 and then release it.
Checking TCI Activation in SAP System: Steps for Verification
3. Integrate the TCI rollback TR (step 5) by importing it.
How to Determine if TCI is Enabled in SAP System
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What is the definition of TCI?
Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) is a method used in the administration of intravenous anaesthetic drugs. Its main objective is to achieve a consistent concentration of the drug within a particular area of the body. This technique ensures that the desired level of medication is maintained throughout the procedure, allowing for more precise control and predictable effects.
To check if TCI is enabled in a SAP system, certain steps need to be followed. Firstly, access your SAP system using appropriate credentials and navigate to transaction code “SM30.” Next, enter table name “TSTC” into the field provided and click on “Maintain.” In this screen, you will find various fields related to transactions codes used within your SAP system.
Look for column headers such as “Transaction Code,” “Program Name,” or similar identifiers depending on your system version. Locate any entries containing relevant information about Target Controlled Infusion (TCI). If there are no specific entries related to TCI present here, it indicates that TCI may not be enabled or configured within your SAP system.
What does TCI stand for in the IT sector?
The Trustworthy Computing Initiative (TCI) is a comprehensive program introduced by Microsoft in 2002 to enhance the security of its Windows operating system. This initiative was prompted by the successful attacks of viruses like Code Red and Nimda, which had targeted numerous Windows computers at that time. TCI aimed to address these vulnerabilities and establish a more secure computing environment for users.
Under the TCI umbrella, Microsoft implemented various measures to improve security in Windows. These included rigorous code reviews, enhanced software development practices, regular security updates, and increased collaboration with industry partners and customers. By focusing on proactive security measures rather than reactive responses to threats, Microsoft sought to build trust among its user base and ensure a safer computing experience.
Checking the system status in SAP
To open the system status report, do one of the following: Click the View Result link in the last window of the task execution wizard.
– Do the following: Display or hide the report header: Click the Show/hide report header link.
How to implement TCI note in SAP?
In order to access the required files, follow these steps:
2. Locate the TCI package by referring to its designated name format mentioned above.
4. Finally, initiate their downloading process through transaction SAINT.
By following these instructions carefully, you will successfully obtain both the necessary files from your download basket within transaction SAINT