Org Units are: Client, Operating Concern, Controlling area, Company code, Sales Organization, Purchasing Organization, Plant, Business area ,Segment, Profit Center, Cost Center , etc. 7 Feb 2022
Business area
In SAP FI, organizational units are used to divide the company based on different areas or lines of activity. One such unit is the business area, which represents a distinct location or product line within the organization. It allows for defining various products and locations for subsidiaries that operate in multiple areas and have diverse business operations.
Functional area
- The functional area classifies the expenses of an organization by function, such as administration, sales and distribution, marketing, production, research and development (R&D), and so on
- Definition of functional area useful for cost of sales accounting
Profit Center
In SAP FI, profit centers can be used as an alternative to business areas. They allow us to define distinct lines of business, geographical locations, or any area that is accountable for generating profits. With the assistance of document splitting in SAP, we can generate separate financial statements at the profit center level.
In accordance with international accounting standards such as IFRS, US GAAP, and IndAS, companies are required to report their financial information for specific segments. To comply with this requirement, SAP offers a solution that allows multiple profit centers to be assigned to each segment. This enables the generation of separate financial statements at the segment level.
Apart from defining various organisation units in the system, for the integration, We need to do an assignment such as every company code need to assign to company, segment need to be specified in the profit center master data.
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Understanding the Structure of Organizations in SAP FI
The organizational structure in SAP FI includes various units that help organize and manage financial information. These units are important for effective financial accounting within an organization.
1. Client: A client is a self-contained unit within SAP ERP system, representing an independent business entity or company. It contains all the data related to that specific entity, such as master data and transactional data.
2. Chart of Depreciation: This unit defines how assets are depreciated over time. It consists of depreciation areas, which determine the different methods and rules used for calculating asset depreciation.
3. Chart of Accounts: The chart of accounts is a list of all general ledger (G/L) accounts used by an organization to record its financial transactions. It provides a standardized framework for categorizing and classifying these accounts based on their nature or function.
4. Credit Control Area: The credit control area represents a separate organizational unit responsible for managing credit limits and monitoring customer creditworthiness. It helps ensure that customers do not exceed their approved credit limits when making purchases on credit.
5. Business Area: A business area represents a specific segment or division within an organization, such as sales department or manufacturing unit. It allows companies to analyze financial results at a more granular level by assigning revenues, costs, and assets to different business areas.
6.Company Code: A company code is the smallest organizational unit in SAP FI module that carries out independent accounting operations within an enterprise group.It represents legal entities with separate balance sheets and profit/loss statements.
These organizational units work together to provide structure and control over financial processes in SAP FI module.
SAP FI MCQ: Organizational Units
The key components in SAP FI, which play a crucial role in organizing financial information, include the Functional Area, Business Area, and Company Code. These organizational units help structure and manage financial processes within an organization.
Firstly, the Functional Area represents a specific area of responsibility or activity within an organization. It helps classify expenses and revenues according to different functions such as sales, marketing, production, or administration. By assigning transactions to specific functional areas, companies can analyze their financial data more effectively.
Secondly, the Business Area is another important organizational unit that allows for further categorization of financial data based on different lines of business or geographical regions. This enables companies with diverse operations to track and evaluate performance at various levels within their organization.
An instance of an organizational unit in SAP?
List of Organizational Units in SAP FI:
1. Sales Office
2. Sales Group
3. Regional Office
4. Branch