7th Pay Commission Rule Change: Who Will Lose Pension and Gratuity?


A recent and important change in the 7th Pay Commission rules has been introduced by the Indian government, wherein the central government employees will be affected. This means that some categories of employees will not get the pension and gratuity benefits due to certain provisions. The employees, especially those coming closer to retirement, are worried because of this development.

Major Changes in Pension and Gratuity

According to the new rules of the 7th Pay Commission, any employee found guilty of serious misconduct or of rising above the level of corruption or other grave and serious violations of service rules can be denied the full pension and gratuity benefits. Such rule shall be applicable to both serving and retired employees, as long as their actions have been proven against the government ethical and discipline standards.

Also, it is likely that any employee resigning before the number of service years required for pension eligibility will be exempt from enjoying pension benefits.

Types of Employees Excluded

The highest risk for pension disqualifications will be for an employee working in sensitive positions or handling classified information or any high-ranking position in the government. Such officers include those from defense, law enforcement, revenue, and intelligence agencies.

The provision of this new rule can also be extended to employees engaging in anti-national activities, misusing authority for personal gain, or not following government procedures laid down under the service conditions.

Conditions That Can Eventually Lead to Cancellation for Pension and Gratuity

The government has made it clear that an employee will not get pension and gratuity if he or she is:

  • Dismissed from service for disciplinary action
  • Proved guilty for corruption or financial fraud
  • Convicted of a criminal offense related to their official duties
  • Activities harmful to national security

Government employees are encouraged to comply with the service rules and ethical standards so as not to find themselves disqualified for pension benefits.

Impacts On Central Government Employees

The most devastating effect is that when an employee retires, almost all pensions and gratuities will have to support him or her financially. It is also widely thought that these unfair applications of the strict rule may not help many government workers post-retirement.

The government would henceforth be seen as intent on furthering the goal of discipline and integrity in public service, and annoyance for any misconduct or misuse of power would be discouraged.

What Should Employees Do

Central government employees must adhere to all service rules and maintain ethical conduct throughout their careers. Those nearing retirement must check their eligibility status for pensions and ensure that no disciplinary action is pending against them.

For additional clarity, employees should approach their respective departmental human resources or pension administration office for guidance on pension rights and obligations.


The 7th Pay Commission rule change made stricter regulations over eligibility for pension and gratuity. While it seeks to ensure that all government employees must conduct themselves ethically, it imposes additional duties on workers to maintain integrity on the performance of their service. Employees will have the rights to know about these new changes and make required steps to secure their retirement benefits.

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