List of SAP T Codes for Finance

Sap T Code List For Finance

OB29 is used to define fiscal year variants, while OBB0 is used to define posting period variants.



Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used for various purposes. These include OX02 for creating company codes, OBY6 for defining global parameters of a company code, EC01 for copying existing company codes, OY01 for defining countries, and OB22 for setting up parallel currencies.

SAP T Code List for Financial Management

In SAP, there are several T-codes that can be used for finance-related tasks. For example, OX03 is used to define business areas, GGB0 is used to define validations, and OB28 is used to activate FI validations.

List of SAP T Codes for Finance

Here are some SAP T-codes used in finance: OKBD is used to define functional areas, GGB1 is used to define substitution, GS01 is used to create sets, and OBBZ is used to create functional area substitutions.

Sap T Code List for Financial Transactions

Here are some SAP T codes for finance in India:

– OBBG: Assign the country to the tax calculation procedure.

– OBCO: Specify the structure for the jurisdiction code.

– OBCP: Define tax jurisdiction codes.

– FTXP: Define codes on tax and purchases.

– OBCL: Define tax code for non-taxable transactions.

SAP T Code List for Financials

Here are some SAP T codes related to finance: OBD4 is used to define account groups, FSP3 is used for chart of account display, OB53 is used to define retained earnings account, OB15 is used to define sample account rule types, FSK2 is used to define data transfer rules, OB67 is used to allocate company codes to rule types, FSM1 is used to create sample accounts and FS01 is used to create G/L accounts master records.

SAP T Code List for Financial Transactions

OB49 is used to transport the chart of accounts, while OBY2 is used to copy company codes. On the other hand, OBC4 is used to define field status groups.

Finance SAP T Code List

OB41 is a SAP T-code used to configure the position key.

SAP T Code List for Financial Account Determination

FBKP is a transaction code used to set up automatic account determination. OBY0 is another transaction code that allows you to define tax accounts and assign them automatically. OBYA, on the other hand, is a transaction code used for defining cross-company codes in SAP.


OB58 is a SAP transaction code used to create a financial statement version.


Here are some SAP T codes that can be used for finance purposes:

– O7Z3: This code is used to define line layouts.

– OBVU: This code allows you to add special fields.

– O7S7: Use this code to define sort variants.

– O7R1: This code is used for defining total variants.


OBAY is used to set up tolerance groups, while OB57 is used to assign users to these tolerance groups.

SAP T-Code List for Financial Number Ranges and Document Types

FBN1 allows you to set up number ranges for financial accounting, while OBA7 is used to define document types in finance. OBU1 helps in defining document types and posting keys, and O7E6 enables the configuration of a fast entry screen.

Sap T Code List for Financial Accounts

FI12 is a transaction code used in SAP to set up house banks. FCH1, on the other hand, is a different transaction code that is used to define check lots. Lastly, FCHV is another transaction code that allows users to define void reason codes in the system.

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SAP T Code List for Financial Operations

FBZP is a T code in SAP that is used for configuring the payment program.


Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used for vendor management:

– OBD: This T code is used to define vendor groups.

– XKN1: With this T code, you can create number ranges specifically for vendor account groups.

– OBAJ: Use this T code to assign number ranges to the respective vendor groups.

– FK15: This T code allows you to copy existing vendor master records.

– FK16: With this T code, you can mark certain vendor master records as important.


In the world of finance, there are various SAP T codes that are used to perform specific tasks. These codes help in managing different aspects of financial operations efficiently. For instance, OBB8 is used to define terms of payments, OB46 helps in defining interest calculation types, and OB82 makes the interest indicator available for the interest run program. Similarly, OBAC is used to define reference interest rates while OB81 assigns these rates to interest indicators. Lastly, OBV1 is employed for account assignment related to interest calculations.

Finance SAP T-Code List

In SAP, there are various T-codes that can be used for finance-related tasks. For example, the T-code OBBE is used to define reason codes. Another T-code, OBCR, is used to define conversion versions of reason codes. Additionally, the T-code OBCS allows users to map external reason codes to internal ones.


Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used for different purposes. These include OB45, which is used to define credit control areas, OB01 for defining credit risk categories, OB02 for defining credit representative groups, OB51 to assign employee credit representative groups, and OB39 for defining days in arrears calculation.

SAP T Code List for Financial Processes

– OBB8 allows you to define the terms of payments.

– OB46 enables you to define different types of interest calculations.

– OB82 makes the interest indicator available for use in the interest run program.

– OBAC helps you define reference interest rates.

– OB81 allows you to assign reference interest rates to specific interest indicators.

– Lastly, OBV1 is used for account assignment in interest calculations.


In SAP, there are several T-codes that can be used in the finance module. For example, OBBE is a T-code that allows users to define reason codes. Another T-code, OBCR, is used to define reason code conversion versions. Lastly, there is the T-code OBCS which enables mapping of external reason codes to internal ones.

SAP T-Code List for Financial Transactions

OB45 is used to establish credit control areas, while OB01 is used to define credit risk categories. OB02 is utilized for defining credit representative groups, and OB51 is used to assign employee credit representative groups. Lastly, OB39 is employed for the purpose of defining days in arrears calculation.


OX06 is used for maintaining the controlling area, while OKKP is used to activate CO components within.

Maintaining number ranges for the controlling area is done using the SAP T Code KANK.


In the realm of SAP finance, there are various T codes that serve different purposes. For instance, KEP8 is utilized for maintaining operating concerns, while OKEQ allows users to access the version configuration screen. These T codes play a significant role in managing financial operations within the SAP system.

What does T code F 22 signify in SAP?

T Code F-22 is used to create invoices to customers who are not related to any regular or business transactions.


SM35 is used to execute the batch input session for creating cost elements.


In SAP, the T-code KA06 is used for creating secondary cost elements, while the T-code KA01 is used for creating primary cost elements.

SAP T Code List for Financial Activities

KSAZ is a manual overhead costing sheet used in finance.


KALA is used to enable the reconciliation ledger, while OKKP is utilized for assigning the reconciliation.

The assignment configuration for the reconciliation ledger can be done using the OK13 T-code.

How can I access t-codes in SAP?

To find the transaction code for a specific task, follow these steps:

1. Click on Extras in the menu.

2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.

3. Choose Show technical name.

4. Refresh the menu to apply changes.

After refreshing, the system will display the transaction codes for all items in the menu.


– Click on Extras in the menu

– Select Settings from the drop-down menu

– Choose Show technical name

– Refresh the menu to apply changes


KSH2 is a T-code used for creating and maintaining standard hierarchies in C.C.A.

SAP T Codes for Finance: A Comprehensive List

The OKES transaction is used to maintain the settings for the Profit Center Accounting (PCA) Controlling Area. On the other hand, OK59 is a transaction that allows users to create a dummy profit center.

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SAP T Code List for Financial Control

Below are some SAP T-codes related to finance:

– OKA2: This T-code is used for maintaining cost center categories.

– OKEG: Use this T-code to maintain time-based fields.

– KS01: With this T-code, you can create and maintain cost center master records.

SAP T Code List for Financial Functions

Here are some SAP T-codes related to finance that you can use for various purposes: KK01 is used for creating and maintaining statistical key figures, KVA5 is used for activity independent key figures, KV06 is used for creating allocation cost elements, OKEI is used for time-based field maintenance for activity types, and OKL01 is used for the creation and maintenance of activity types.


KCAV is used to maintain the allocation character for the sender and receiver. KA06 is used for creating or maintaining the assessment cost element. KSWI is utilized for creating cost center reporting, while KSV1 is used to create cost center distribution. Lastly, KSU1 is employed to create cost center assessment.


Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used in cost center accounting: KP97 is used for copying planning, KPU1 is for creating plan revaluation, KP65 is used to create a cost planning layout, KP34 is for creating a planning profile, and OKB9 is used for maintaining the CO automatic account.

How can I acquire knowledge about SAP t-codes?

If you want to view technical names in the SAP menu, you can enable this feature by going to Extras -&gt, Settings. By doing so, t-codes will be displayed in the menu tree and you will quickly memorize the most frequently used ones. However, it is not recommended to use transactions like SE93 for memorization purposes. Instead, refer to the following list:

– Enable display of technical names in SAP menu settings

– View t-codes in the menu tree

– Memorize commonly used t-codes

– Avoid using SE93 or SE11 for memorization


– KA01 is used for primary cost elements.

– KA06 is utilized for secondary cost elements.

– OK06 represents the settlement structure.

– OK07 is used for defining the settlement profile.

– SNUM helps in maintaining number range assignment.

SAP T Code List for Financial Planning and Budgeting

Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used for various purposes:

– OKEQ: This code is used to maintain CO versions.

– OKOS: With this code, you can define a planning profile for overall value planning.

– OKOB: Use this code to define a budget profile.

– OK14: By using this code, you can maintain the budget manager.

– OPTK: This code allows you to define an exempt cost element for availability control.

– KANK: Use this code for maintaining number range assignment.

– OK11: With this code, you can maintain the number range for planning and budgeting objects.


Here are some SAP T codes related to finance that can be used for various purposes. These include KOT2, which is used to define order status management; KOV2, which is used to define transaction groups; OK02, which is used to define status profiles; and BS52, which is used to define authorization keys.


KEAO is a SAP T code that allows users to manage operation concerns.


– KE4K allows for maintaining derivation.

– KE04 enables the creation of a derivation structure.

– KE05 facilitates changing a derivation structure.

– KE06 provides the ability to display a derivation structure.

– KES1 is used for maintaining CO-PA master data.

– KE07 allows for creating derivation rules.

– KE08 enables changing of derivation rules.

SAP T Code List for Financial Assignments

Here are some SAP T-codes related to finance:

– KE41: This code is used to assign condition types to value fields.

– KE4M: With this code, you can assign SD quantity fields to value fields.

– KE4W: Use this code to reset value fields.

– KEI1: This code helps define the PA settlement structure.

– KEU1: You can create CO-PA cost center assessment using this code.

– KEV2: If you need to make changes in CO-PA cost center assessment, use this code.


Here are some SAP T-codes for finance-related tasks: OKEQ is used to maintain plan versions, KEF1 is used to define planning revaluation, KE14 is used to create planning layouts, KE15 is used to change planning layouts, KE16 is used to display planning layouts, KP34 is used to define planning profiles, KE4D is used to define external data transfer structure, KE4Z is used to define assignment groups, KE4E is used to define field assignment and KEN2 can be utilized for defining plan number ranges.


In the realm of finance, there are various SAP T codes that serve specific purposes. For instance, one such code is KEKK, which allows users to allocate controlling areas to operating concerns. Another useful code is KEN1, which enables individuals to establish number ranges for actual postings.

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Here are some SAP T-codes related to finance that can be used for different purposes. These include KER1 for defining report line structure, KE34 for creating forms, KE35 for changing forms, KE36 for displaying forms, KE31 for creating CO-PA reports, KE32 for changing CO-PA reports, and KE33 for displaying CO-PA reports.


1. BASIC SETTINGS AND MASTER DATA REVIEW OKE5= maintain controlling area setups 1KE1=analyze settings OKE4= update settings OKE7= maintain time based fields


Here are some SAP T Codes related to finance that can be used for different purposes. These include 1KEB, which is used for fast assignment, OKEM for sales order sub creation, OKEL for sales order dist sub creation, and 1KE4 which serves as a PCA assignment monitor.


1KEF is a T-code that allows users to configure control parameters for actual postings in SAP Finance. GCBX, on the other hand, is used to define document types specifically for actual postings. OKB9 is a T-code that enables users to maintain default account assignment settings. 3KEH is another T-code that allows users to maintain additional balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. Lastly, 2KET is used to activate the balance carry format for CO-PA in SAP Finance.


Here are some SAP T codes that can be used in finance:

– OKEQ: This code is used to maintain controlling versions.

– GCBA: Use this code to define document types for plan postings.

– GS01: Set maintenance for creating plan parameters.

– GP41: Create plan parameters specifically for plan postings.

– KE62: Copy data into the plan.

Understanding bank transaction codes in India

Understanding bank statement transaction codes is essential for effectively managing personal finances. By familiarizing oneself with these codes, individuals can easily identify and track various types of transactions reflected in their bank statements. For instance, a code might represent an ATM withdrawal, a debit card purchase, or an electronic transfer.

To make the most out of these transaction codes, it is advisable to keep a record or list of commonly used ones along with their corresponding meanings. This will enable quick reference whenever needed and facilitate accurate tracking and analysis of financial activities over time.

Finance T Code List

OIT3 is used to specify program types, while OITA is utilized for defining investment profiles.

SAP T-Code List for Financial Planning and Budgeting Profiles

Here are some SAP T-codes related to finance:

– OIP1: This code is used to create a profile for investment management plan.

– OIB1: Use this code to define a budget profile for investment management.

– OIT5: With this code, you can assign actual values to different budget categories.

– OK11: This code allows you to define a management plan profile for investment management.

The T code for purchase invoice in SAP

To create an incoming invoice in SAP, you can use the T-code FB60 or follow these steps: Go to Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable → Document Entry → Invoice. Once there, navigate to the Payment tab and enter the payment terms according to your requirements, such as paying immediately or after a specific number of days.

1. FB01 – Post Document: Use this code to post accounting documents manually.

2. F-02 – Enter G/L Account Posting: This T-code allows you to post general ledger account entries directly.

3. F110 – Automatic Payment Transactions: Use this code for automatic payment processing.

4. FS00 – G/L Account Master Data Maintenance: With this T-code, you can maintain master data for general ledger accounts.

5. FAGLL03 – Display/Change Items (New): This code helps in displaying and changing line items within financial documents.

These are just a few examples from a vast range of available T-codes in SAP that cater specifically to finance-related processes.

What is the table that holds all transaction records in SAP?

The SAP T Code List for Finance consists of two important tables: TSTC and TSTCT. The first table, TSTC, stores transaction codes along with technical information like program names and screen numbers. This table helps in identifying the specific programs or screens associated with each transaction code.

On the other hand, the second table, TSTCT, includes transaction codes along with their descriptions in multiple languages. This allows users to understand the purpose or function of a particular transaction code in their preferred language.

1. SAP T Code List for Finance comprises two essential tables: TSTC and TSTCT.

2. The TSTC table stores technical details such as program names and screen numbers for each transaction code.

3. The TSTCT table contains transaction codes along with their descriptions in multiple languages.

4. These tables assist users in finding relevant programs or screens associated with specific finance-related transactions.

5. Users can easily understand the purpose of each transaction code by referring to its description in their preferred language.

By utilizing this list, individuals working on financial processes within SAP can effectively utilize these tables to enhance their productivity and understanding of various transactions related to finance management